
is a dream you half remember. Or a one act play that a friend saw and told you about. Or three quarters of a comic book you found in a laundromat.

Now showing at GO ART! in Batavia, NY

Reception June 20 from 5pm - 8pm

The special effects were all done in camera and the shots only lightly edited for things like color and exposure. The actors are childhood best friends. Jon Dayton usually shoots nature, wildlife, and occasionally architecture but also went to school for theatre and gets weird ideas sometimes.

Additional black and white shots by Elliott Dayton

Insomnia is played by Oliver Dayton. The Insomniac is Naomi LaDuke

Makeup by Elias Huffer

The collection is available as a coffee table book

Put your name on the pre-order list using our Contact page.

We will send you an e-mail when we prepare to print when the show closes in September.

Payment will be arranged at that time. The price is $35